Poetry, bags and QR codes for Book Day


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Juan Salvador fent efectiu el val en la llibreria Dilatando Mentes.

Monday 19th April saw the presentation of the poster detailing the activities organised by the Councillor for Culture and the library to celebrate Book Day. The programme was designed to avoid crowds of people in the library. The first activity was the #LLIBRESALCARRER, for which 12 cards were placed around the village, on each was the cover of a book from the library, along with some information about it and a question relating to the topic of the book. The card gave you a choice of three answers, and to check the correct answer, you had to scan a QR code.

The aim was to show the depth of the library resources and according to the librarian Pau Banyó Magraner, #LLIBRESALCARRER «was pretty successful, as through the management programme for QR codes, we were able to see how many people had seen each card, and we were able to identify that there were places where the card was seen by dozens of people, while others were seen by fewer people, so for future events we have a better idea of where to put the cards».

The first Short Poetry competition attracted about ten participants of all ages and of such equal quality that there was only a point difference in the scoring by the panel of judges. The winning poem was Segària, by Juan Salvador Mallol Taverner, who won a voucher for 60 € of books. A draw was also carried out with the names of all participants, and the winner of the 30 € voucher prize was Adam Martí Garcia. The councillor, Sara Gil Peretó, expressed her gratitude «for all the contributions from those who participated, as the poems were all beautiful and moving, and we hope to be able to share them all with the rest of the population, although it will be by publishing them on the web».

During the same week, the library started to give out fabric bags to everyone who has a library card, an initiative which, according to Joan Orozco Mulet, who is currently in charge of the library, «aims to encourage all users to take out a permanent card for the whole network of libraries in the Valencia region, of which Beniarbeig forms a part, and so far it is working well, because in only a few days we have given out more than 30 bags».


Esplendorosa des de la DISTÀNCIA.
Essència de riquesa de la terra.
Repleta de FONTS el terme soterra.
El caminant et desitja amb ànsia.

De grisos i verds repleta la serra,
inevitablement en el cor irromps.
El VALOR dels esportistes no corromps,
qui et recorre a tu s’aferra.

Com a gegant de pedra sempre romans.
Envejosa està la mar salada.
Majestuós macís de matinada.
Patrimoni natural per als humans.

– J.M. –

La font de l’amor

Un dia ens van dir distància!
Al principi tenien molta ànsia
però amb família i amor
vam traure tots el seu valor.
I jo he aprés que la font de tot
es fer sempre les coses amb el cor.

– Luar i Eli –


Ella ja no somriu
perquè una font d’aigua negra
ha convertit
els seus somriures
en silenci, plors i crits.

Ella ja no maleeix
res li importa
després d’haver vist
que el valor consistia en decidir
a qui es deixava fora d’un llit.

Ella ja no abraça
sols observa
des de la distància
sola i deprimida
la injustícia d’aquest castic.

Ella ja no viu
però pensa
quan tornarà al meu fill
A ser tan feliç com ahir?

-Adam Martí Garcia –


Des de la distància,
gaudisc dels èxits
que li heu guanyat a la vida,
i pregue perquè tingau el valor
de fer front als entrebancs
i trobar la font de l’alegria.

– Xelo Torres –


Quan plou et recorde.
Serà perquè sé que t’agraden els dies de pluja.
Serà perquè la pluja em toca quan tu ets lluny.
De mi brollen sentiments a flor de pell,
que m’esborronen en mig de tots.
Naixent el valor dintre de mi,
com una font tímida que s’esgola
buscant la mar que ens separa.
Convertint la distància en estima,
mullant-me l’ànima al seu pas.
Quan plou et recorde.
Serà perquè sé que t’agraden els dies de pluja.
Serà perquè la pluja em toca quan tu ets lluny.

– Rebeca Mut –

Aquí y ahora

La ignorancia de un ser inteligente
que fija la mirada hacia detrás o hacia delante.
Que da valor sólo a lo que toca
y se alimenta de imágenes que él mismo retoca.
La sed ya no se la puede saciar la fuente.
El deseo que únicamente aprecia en la distancia.
El significado que adquiere ser fuerte
Ya poco tiene que ver con la desgracia.
Mirarse a los pies
Y levantar el mirar.
¡Así és!

– Gora –

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